Friday, April 8, 2011

Save Money: Use Your Connections

One great way to save some cash is to utilize your friends and family.  (No, I'm not advocating you take advantage of them!)  Here are two recent examples:

1) After our water bill went through the roof (figuratively) this winter, we realized that somewhere outside our water line was leaking.  Sigh.  Immediately thoughts of $$$ ran through our minds as we recalled paying a plumber $500 last year to replace a leaky shower drain.  Fortunately my dad came to our rescue!  He enjoys helping out with house projects and loves the chance to visit his favorite granddaughter.  Between he and my husband the job was done in a day and a half and lots of money was saved in the process!

2) Yesterday my father-in-law stopped by with a goody bag full of dental care items!  Wahoo!  He's a dentist and receives a lot of samples of toothpaste, floss, etc, so he said he was happy to share with us.  Again, I think he was content with some quality time with his favorite granddaughter in return :-)

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